Ministries at

St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church

Spartanburg, SC

ADORATION CHAPEL - The Eucharist is in the newly remodeled adoration chapel which is located on the parking lot side of the historic church and is available 24/7. Please call the parish office for the security code or contact the person listed on the “Contact List by Organization” for additional information. 

Bonnie Murray 864-266-9777

ADULT CHOIR/CANTORS/MINISTERS OF MUSIC - At week-end masses and other liturgical celebrations, cantors, choir members and instrumentalists offer their time and talents to lead and enhance the liturgy. All interested adults should contact the Directors of Music for more information. 

Mildred & John Roche    


ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - The purpose of Adult Education is to provide Catholic adults with ongoing opportunities for growth in their spiritual lives and in their understanding of the Catholic faith. One major goal of Adult Education is to help the faithful to integrate their personal faith and Catholic beliefs into their daily living.   

Norma Stokes   864-582-0674

ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL - Throughout the year, opportunities for scripture study are offered to help participants enter more deeply into God's Word by prayerfully examining the historical context of our Catholic faith. Throughout the year, educational and spiritual opportunities such as scripture study sessions, lectures, small group activities, and retreats are offered.

Joe Duffesy    864-582-0674

ALTAR GUILD - Helping to maintain the altar is a silent and generous way to serve God and the parish community during the liturgical year.  Altar linens volunteers are responsible for collecting, cleaning, and pressing of altar linens, vestments, and albs. 

Mary Lawson

ALTAR SERVERS - Serve the priest at the altar during Holy Mass, Vespers, and other liturgical functions. Children and adults who have received First Eucharist, at least nine years of age and in good standing with Holy Mother church are eligible to serve at Holy Mass. 

Tony Balsamo    864-582-0674

ANNULMENT ASSISTANCE - Information and guidance for beginning the process of requesting an annulment in the Diocese of Charleston is available upon request.

Deacon Bob Mahaffey    864-582-0674

BAPTISMAL PREPARATION - Baptismal preparation classes for parents wishing to have their infant or child baptized are offered monthly. Parents should contact the Baptismal Preparation Coordinator for more information and to pre-register for a session.  

Norma Stokes    864-582-0674

BEREAVEMENT COMMITTEE - The Bereavement Committee is in charge of setting up a reception, when requested by the family after the funeral. 

Doug Askov    404-432-1068

BLOODMOBILE - Several times a year, area churches sponsor Bloodmobile Sunday in cooperation with The Blood Connection.

Cathi Whelchel

BULLETIN & WEBSITE - Coordinates and disseminate parish information through the weekly bulletin and on-line website.

Michaeleen Davis,OFS    864-582-0674

CATHOLIC CHARITIES - Catholic Charities provides a wide range of social services including counseling, emergency assistance, and disaster response.

Piedmont Regional Office    800-705-8743


@Spartanburg Soup Kitchen - The Spartanburg Soup Kitchen is an inter-denominational, inter-faith ministry, made up of a partnership of various individuals and organizations across the Upstate.

@TOTAL Ministries - Helping families in crisis with food, clothing, and financial assistance for utilities, bills, and medications.

@Hope Center for Children - The mission of Hope Center for Children is to build stable, healthy families and to provide children a safe place from abuse and neglect.  

Sarah Brodie             

CULTURE OF LIFE - This ministry supports awareness of issues related to the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. Members help to educate themselves and the parish on life issues and participate in the January Stand Up for Life in Columbia and the October Life Chain in Spartanburg.   The group meets the second Tuesday of most months.

Heather Hayes    864-316-6769

EMMAUS MEN & WOMEN - The Emmaus is a Catholic weekend retreat that is open to anyone seeking a deeper relationship with God.  The women and men have separate retreat weekends that take place twice a year.  It’s open to all men and women ages 20 or older.  

Jody Armstrong    864-576-0000       Mary Needs / Mary Armstrong    864-804-0088 

EUCHARISTIC REVIVAL COMMITTEE - Eucharistic Revival movement is the joyful, expectant, grassroots response of the Church in the United States to the divine invitation to be united once again around the source and summit of our faith in the celebration of the Eucharist.

Virginia Hull

EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY EUCHARIST - Lay persons and religious permitted or specially delegated to administer the Holy Eucharist during week-end liturgies, other liturgical functions and to bring communion to the sick and homebound. 

Deacon Bob Mahaffey    864-582-0674

FINANCE COUNCIL - The Finance Council oversees parish finances and serves in an advisory capacity to the pastor in matters of financial planning, problem solving and decision making. Major areas of concern addressed by the council are: effective utilization of parish resources, balancing of parish budgets, and evaluating the financial conditions of the parish. 

Peggy McNelis

FUNERALS - The pastor and pastoral staff offer assistance with funeral liturgy planning, wake services and graveside services for those who have lost a loved one. Funeral arrangements may be made by calling the church office. 

Parish office    864-582-0674

GIFT BEARERS - Gift bearers assist with the celebration of Holy Mass by bringing the gifts of bread and wine to be consecrated during Holy Mass and to bring to the altar the offertory gifts of stewardship from the parish community. 

Ushers @ Mass or Office    864-582-0674

HISPANIC PRAYER GROUP - This group usually meets once a week for prayers and the Rosary said in Spanish.

Sonia Walton    864-764-0299

JUNIOR CHOIR - This is the junior choir that sings several times a year during the week-end liturgies and for special liturgies. 

Carrie Page    864-582-0674

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic Fraternal Service organization. Membership is limited to practicing Catholic men, age 18 or older, who live and uphold the commandments of God and the precepts of the Church. 

Michael Leonard    864-497-4208

LECTORS - Also known as reader, the lector reads the word of God from the Old Testament and the New Testament, recites the psalms between the readings in absence of the cantor, and reads the general intercessions when the deacon is absent. 

Deacon Bob Mahaffey    864-582-0674

MARRIAGE PREPARATION - Couples seeking to prepare for the Sacrament of Matrimony should contact the parish office to make an appointment with the pastor 6 months in advance.

Deacon Bob Mahaffey    864-582-0674

MASS INTENTIONS - Please contact the parish office if you wish to have a Mass said for a deceased person or a special intention for a living person.  Altar flowers and the sanctuary candle are dditional ways to honor or

remember a loved one

Church Office    864-582-0674

MEN @ PRAYER - All men, regardless of denomination, are welcome to this fellowship on Friday mornings from 7:00 am to 8:00 am. Through reading Sunday's scripture passages, discussing, prayer requests, and a light breakfast, the group strives to change their lives to become better men with a stronger faith. 

Jody Armstrong    864-576-0000

MINISTRY TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND - The parish priests, deacons, and trained ministers are available to bring the Eucharist to those who, due to illness or other circumstances, are unable to attend Mass. 

Deacon Bob Mahaffey    864-582-0674

NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING - Sympto-thermal method of NFP as taught by the couple to couple league. Safe, effective, and beneficial to marriage the teachings are in accordance with the Catholic Church. 

Angie Grieshop    864-582-2162

ORDER OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (O.C.I.A.) - Is a process of “discernment” and education for adults who wish to become Catholic. Those adults who are unbaptized or who were baptized in another Christian tradition are invited to participate in the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (O.C.I.A.) process.

Norma Stokes    864-585-1858

PASTORAL COUNCIL - The Pastoral Council is an appointed body that assists the pastor in the decision-making process and serves as liaison to parish stewardship groups. 

Alice Convertino, Facilitator    

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES - The goal of Religious Education is to provide children with opportunities for ongoing faith development. Classes are held every Sunday Morning during the school year for public school children from kindergarten through high school. In addition to catechesis, the Religious Education Program prepares children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. 

Norma Stokes    864-585-1858

RUMMAGE SALE - Once a year, the parish sponsors a rummage sale consisting of useable, reasonably priced second-hand items, with the proceeds given to selected local charities and for the church building fund.

Angie Grieshop

SAFE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM - St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church employs a fully integrated safe environment program. The goal of this training program is to ensure the safety and well-being of our children and vulnerable adults. Safe Environment is a comprehensive, multidimensional program which incorporates proven practices and standards for the prevention of child sexual abuse by clergy, staff, volunteers, faculty, ministry members and others who interact with children or vulnerable adults. 

Loretta Grna

SAMARITAN MINISTRY - The St. Paul’s Samaritan Ministry was created to stay in touch with and help with the needs of St. Paul’s parishioners.  Our goal is to make certain that every member of the St. Paul’s family will have someone to reach out to in their time of need. 

Cathy Canino

SECULAR FRANCISCAN ORDER - Those committed to a gospel way of life inspired by the example of St. Francis of Assisi. Secular Franciscans meet in the conference room of the Parish Center at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church once a month and other times as published for prayer, encouragement in serving those in need with Christian justice and compassion, and maintaining a simple way of life.

Michaeleen Davis, OFS    864-921-5378

SENIOR SINGLES LUNCHEON GROUP - The senior singles luncheon group meets the first Thursday of every month at 11:30 and is for men and women approximately 65 years or older who would like to get out and visit with other singles in the parish while sharing a meal.  

Joanne Babin    864-921-3915

ST.PAUL THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC SCHOOL - The school provides a tradition of academic excellence in a faith based environment.  It serves students K4 through 5th grade.  For more information or to register, contact the school at 864-582-6645 or visit the website at

Lauri Mitro, Principal    864-582-6645

ST. THÉRÈSE OF LISIEUX CIRCLE - A group of parish women who meet once a month, pray and lunch together/raise money to contribute to different organizations. 

Alice Convertino    864-285-0752

USHERS - In this ministry of hospitality, ushers assist with the greeting of parishioners and visitors when entering the church, seating of same, gathering the offertory and other collections during Holy Mass and distribute bulletins after Holy Mass. 

Jeff Schwartz    864-542-9610

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - Children from ages four through ten are invited to Vacation Bible School. The program is offered for one week in the summer. Registration information is published annually in the bulletin. 

Norma Stokes    864-585-1858

WEDDING COORDINATOR - The Bride or Groom is asked to contact the church office at least 6 months before they want to get married and leave a message for the Wedding Coordinator.  The Wedding Coordinator helps the perspective Bride and Groom understand and execute the Diocesan, parish and County requirements to celebrate the Sacrament of Matrimony.  

Loretta Grna    864-582-0674

WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY - Women’s Bible Study meets the second and fourth Tuesdays from 9:00-11:00 am during the school year in the Parish Center conference room.  Discussed are Scripture readings for upcoming Sunday Mass, explore an additional devotional book and pray together.  

Laura Brown    864-582-8849

YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY - The young adults do everything from Bible Studies to Game Nights every month.

Rylee Williams

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